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Environmental risk assessment of veterinary parasiticides used in cattle

02 January 2021
21 mins read
Volume 26 · Issue 1
Figure 3. Old dung pat overturned by birds showing insect tunnels in the faeces and loss of herbage underneath through smothering.
Figure 3. Old dung pat overturned by birds showing insect tunnels in the faeces and loss of herbage underneath through smothering.


All veterinary medicines have to undergo a rigorous environmental risk assessment before gaining a marketing authorisation; post-marketing pharmacovigilance ensures constant surveillance for any environmental impacts that had not been anticipated from earlier research. Products are labelled to reflect any potential risk points. Despite these procedures, some compounds, notably parasiticides of the macrocyclic lactone class that are used in large animal practice, have gained a reputation among some scientists, the general public and the media for having adverse effects on dung insect fauna and for causing delays in the degradation of faeces on pasture. While the toxicity of faecal residues of insecticides to non-target insect fauna, when measured under controlled conditions in short-term experiments is indisputable, the consequences of such activity at ecological scales are much less well defined. Dung provides an ephemeral habitat for an enormous array of macro- and micro-invertebrates, fungi and bacteria, whose composition changes as pats age and disintegrate. Perturbations to such complex systems inevitably have a variety of outcomes and this is reflected in field trials, which can produce conflicting results. This article summarises pertinent aspects of the underlying biology and ecology of the bovine faecal pat and the evidence for significant impact of veterinary medication.

All manufacturers of new and existing veterinary medicines have to provide a satisfactory environmental risk assessment (ERA) to the regulatory authorities in order to register a new product or renew a marketing approval (MA). There is a strong focus on products that have insecticidal properties and that are used in farm livestock because of their potential impact in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Liebig et al, 2010). ERAs are generated within a framework that incorporates the physicochemistry, pharmacokinetics and toxicology of compounds and tiered testing that ranges from short-term, single species toxicity evaluations to long-term, complex ecological studies within agricultural landscapes (Wratten and Forbes, 1996). The rationale behind the tiered approach is to generate data through studies of increasing complexity, which will eventually lead to an objective, quantitative assessment of risk in agricultural landscapes; components of such testing regimens include:

Though most insecticides are potentially hazardous to aquatic invertebrates, under practical livestock farming conditions, the greatest threat comes from the incorrect/illegal disposal of sheep dips and run-off from parasiticide sprays (Beynon, 2012), leading to contamination of water courses (Rasmussen et al, 2013; Antwi and Reddy, 2015). Water quality is subject to routine monitoring by various local and national authorities and penalties can be issued if contamination from agricultural sources does occur and veterinary clinicians should be aware of the risks and provide advice when applicable. However, the subject that farm animal clinicians are most likely to encounter in practice is the potential environmental impact of veterinary products with insecticidal properties on the insect fauna of (cattle) dung.

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