How can we contribute to sustainability goals?

The United Nations has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals including no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, clean water, climate action and sustainable use of the oceans and landmass as well as many others ( Most, if not all, of these goals can be linked in some way to our food supply. As a profession dedicated to animal welfare, we have a large part to play locally, nationally and globally in aiding society in achieving these goals.
More specifically, as livestock veterinarians we have always been focused on helping our clients optimise animal health and welfare while maintaining the viability of their businesses. However, when I was a veterinary student in the 1980s, we measured success in terms of reduced morbidity and mortality or enhanced yield, growth rate or food conversion efficiency. Nowadays of course businesses need to remain profitable in very challenging political and economic times, but there is the added pressure of ‘sustainability measures’ against which we are being judged. For example, many dairy farmers will be receiving payments for supplying carbon footprint data to milk buyers. How long will it be before we see associated pricing pressure designed to drive down carbon footprints, or improve other measures of sustainability, and how will producers and us as advisors respond to that? This edition of Cattle Review page 79 focuses on recent research papers looking at aspects of sustainability as it relates to our work with clients. For example, do you consider vaccination as a tool to improve sustainability or just as a means of reducing disease?
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