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Improving care for animals and clients

02 January 2024
2 mins read
Volume 29 · Issue 1

One of the exciting parts of my current role is the opportunity to go into veterinary practices across the world to meet farm animal vets, deliver CPD sessions, and to facilitate clinical discussions. Wherever I go, one thing that is evident to me is the passion for animal health and welfare, alongside the desire to do the best for our clients.

In this edition, as usual, we have an excellent range of articles from vets at all stages of their careers. What links them all together is the fact that they combine practical guidance and an evidence-based focus, from which the production-animal practitioner can learn and ensure that they have as much information as possible to benefit their advice and decision making on farm.

I am particularly excited to read the article discussing large animal dermatology and the common cases practitioners may see (p30). For many of us, dermatology is usually discussed in the small animal sense, and this article serves as a useful reminder as to what we can do in farmanimal practice and the common conditions we may see.

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